These self published works are available in digital format and can be downloaded from Smashwords free or almost free. Click on the pictures below to take to you the links for those works.

In 1863, sterling louchs, a student at the pennsylvania agricultural college and benjamin taylor, a runaway slave find their journeys intertwined in the days leading up to the battle of gettysburg. Their shared experiences result in sterling reaching his home and benjamin taking first steps towards freedom and a new life.

A memoir of a depression baby whose formative years were on the home front during World War II and whose college experience enabled him to live the American Dream.

In 1862 Charles “Bump” Conger answers the challenge to do his patriotic duty in the Civil War and enlists in the One Hundred and Fortieth Pennsylvania Volunteers. Left at home is his young wife, Isadora, and three small children to fend for themselves. What was expected to be a few months of military service transitions into three years of conflicting views, hardship and tragedy.

Character driven short stories dealing with an undocumented immigrant, a runaway slave, coming of age experiences, a love story and end of life.

Garth Kosloff, a retired police detective, agrees to help with a simple, missing person assignment that quickly evolves into drug cartel issues, prostitution, kidnapping and murder.

Clicking on the December Fourty-Four book you can purchase this on Barnes and Nobels or you can also purchase on Amazon
December Fourty-Four deals with the activities of the Minor Family during the period from after Thanksgiving up to New Year’s Eve in 1944. The family consists of a father, Sam, a mother Clara and two boys, Reed, age sixteen and Jimmie, age ten. This is a working family farm although Sam is also employed as a school teacher.
The principle theme of the novel is the manner in which the war and war-related activities on the home front affect the way a rural family conducts its day-to-day routine.
Church and school activities proceed in a normal fashion although amended by news of friends or loved ones serving in the military. Travel is planned within fuel allocations. Work activities on the farm, especially those involving food production, know no respite. The adults hope to fashion a meaningful Christmas notwithstanding the limitations brought on by rationing, family finances and scarcity of goods. There are light hearted moments but the overall theme is dark.

An Apache, holy man, Diyin, one of Geronimo’s band, tells a mission in which he is guided by a red-tailed hawk. He is befriended by a young, impoverished couple, Michael and Sally Collins in northern Georgia. Their life is affected by him as they move to Pennsylvania and experience a better life. It is there that Divin discovers a holy place where his beliefs help him search the skies for signs of the future from the Great Spirit. Subsequent generations of the Collins family experience the American Dream punctuated by notable appearance of the red-tailed hawk emphasizing their connection to Native Americans.